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Heroes come in all types: One family, 16 years, 50,000ml of blood donated and many more inspired
2022-01-31 21:03:08 來源:極目新聞 編輯:

Heroes come in all types: One family, 16 years, 50,000ml of blood donated and many more inspired


極目新聞記者 晏雯

通訊員 肖莉嬌

翻譯 陶然 王寧寧 衛拉


Reporter: Yan Wen

Correspondent:Xiao Lijiao

Translators:Tao Ran, Wang Ningning, Wei La


“I hope our little actions of love can inspire even more love in the community!”Yesterday, Xiong Fei, Liu Chunfang and their son Xiong Yuhao walked into the Wuhan Blood Center together again, and donated five therapeutic doses of platelets.

一家三口獻血獲得的榮譽證書 The family of three, all blood donors, are awarded certificatesof recognition


They usually choose one day in January every year as their “Family Blood Donation Day”, since January 1st is Xiong Fei and Liu Chunfangs wedding anniversary. Over the past 16 years, this family has donated blood 207 times, with a cumulative totalof49,500ml. The donated bloodhashelpedover 240 people receive timely treatment, making them atrue “family of heroes”.

為愛挽袖 丈夫堅持獻血16年

Rolling up his sleeves to show love, the husband has donated blood for 16 years


Xiong Fei, 49, and his wife Liu Chunfang are both employees of Wuhan Natural Gas Co Ltd., and their son is a sophomore in the School of Mathematics and Computer Science at Jianghan University.


Xiong Fei still remembers his first experience donating blood just like it was yesterday.“It was January 2nd, 2006, the day after our wedding anniversary.”Xiong Fei said, “I stepped into a mobile blood donation vehicle and donated 200ml of blood. My son was still littleat thattime. I hoped thatlater when he was older, he would know that his father is a responsible person and be proud of me.”


It was in 2014 that he really came to appreciate the meaningof blood donation. One day, Xiong Fei received a call from the Blood Centre, saying that a patient with the same blood type as him needed platelets andwasasked if he could donate blood. Without saying a word, he immediately rushed to the Blood Centre. “It turnsout that donating blood is a life-saving actionthat cannot be put on hold.”He was so happy to learn that his blood helped a patient. Ever since then, he began to learn about blood donation andhas sincebecomea regular donor, donating blood every month as long as his health condition and time allow. To date he has been donating blood for 16 years.

熊飛一家 Xiong Fei and his family

愛心傳承 妻子兒子相繼加入

Love inspires his wife and son to join


Since the interval between blood component donations is 14 days, one can donate twice a month. In order not to make his familyworried, in the beginning Xiong Fei kept his blood donationa secret, but it didnt take long for his wife to find out. “We have been classmates since high school, he cant hide anything from me.”His wife, Liu Chunfang, said with a smile.


“Since he worksin a front-line position in the company, Iwas afraid that his body couldnt handle such frequent blood donation.”Liu Chunfang admitted that in the beginning she was not quite on the same page withher husband. In January2016, for the first time, she went with her husband to the Blood Components Donation Department of Wuhan Blood Center. There, she acquired knowledge about blood donation and made friends with the volunteers. After gettingto know theattentive and caringnurses, and warm-hearted volunteersmore, she said, “I didnt expect it to be such a warm placehere!”Having seen that the health of her husband was not affected by blood donations, herworries gradually reduced.


On January 1st, 2017, their 17th wedding anniversary,Liu Chunfang sat inthe blood collection chair with her husbandfor the first time. That day also happened to be the day of an annual event held by the center to recognizevoluntary blood components donors. The couple were truly inspired when they heard the stories shared by other volunteers. On the very day, they decided to make January 1st their couples“Blood Donation Day”, choosingone dayin January every year to donate blood together if their healthconditionallowed.


Their son, Xiong Yuhao, influenced by them when he was growing up, carried on the “family tradition” of blood donation right after he turned 18. Like most people, Xiong Yuhao hesitated for a long time before his first donationdue to his fearof needles. At the age of 18,just as he was planningto study abroad, he finally overcame his fear on December 16th, 2019. “I will have toliveon my ownfor a long time after I go abroad, so I needto get out of my comfort zone.”He said.On that day, he and his mother, accompanied by his father who was still in the donation interval, sat inthe blood collection chairs. “I was nervous at first, but then I gradually relaxed because my parents were therefor me.”


On April19th, 2020, the whole family sat on the blood collection chairs together for the first time. Xiong Yuhao said,“it is my parents that gave me the strengths. As a young person, I had to join them.”Since then, the annual couples “Blood Donation Day”has now turned into a family event.


Apart from the “Family Blood Donation Day”, the family also participatesin voluntaryblood donations individually,based ontheir health conditions and any patients needs. “Sometimes, even when my wife cannot donate blood due to health conditions, she wouldstill accompany me and be there for me,”said Xiong Fei, “and I wouldalso accompany her and our son on their donations.”Up tillnow, Xiong Fei has donated 141 times, his wife 38 times and his son 28 times. And their donated blood total has reached 49,600ml, equivalent to the total blood volume of 11 adults,including 1,400ml whole blood and 24lunits of platelets (one unit of platelets is equal to 200 ml of whole blood).They have helped over 240 patients along the way.

熊宇豪和參與獻血的同學 Xiong Yuhao and his schoolmates participatingin blood donation

讓愛傳遞 孩子帶動百余同學參與

Passingon the love, their son inspires more than 100 classmates


Liu Chunfang often posts her blood donation experiences on her WeChat Moments. Inspired by her, several of her colleagues also participated in voluntary blood donation. She told the reporter that, a few years ago, her aunt had an operation because of a hip fracture caused by a fall, and thanks to the blood donated by kind-hearted people, her aunt received timely treatment andrecovered. Liu Chunfang was profoundly touched. She said, “What one family can do is always limited, therefore, the participation of more people is always needed, so that we can help more patients.”


“We actually think our son is doing a better job than us. He has motivated so many of his classmates to donate blood.” When talking about who is the real “champion” in the family that has motivated more people to donate, the couple pointed to their son invariably. Their son, Xiong Yuhao, however, shook his head, saying that his parents were his role models.


Since the beginning of his university life in September 2020, almost every two weeks, Xiong Yuhao would go to Wuhan Blood Center to donate blood. Influenced by him, his four roommates also began to donate blood and have since then become regular blood donors. After changing dorms in sophomore year, theirblood donation “endeavor” was joined by another new roommate.


“Love needs to be passed on. We as college students should take the initiative and take on this responsibility.”Xiong Yuhao said. He and his roommates began to disseminate information on voluntary blood donation among their schoolmates via social media platforms such as WeChat Moments and QQ Space. On the last National Day, he set up a QQ group called “Team Blood Components Donors”, which started with less than 10 people and grew to 85 people in less than 2 months. To date, the team has organized more than ten blood donations, and more than 100 students have participated.


“Theperson I look up to the most is Lv Mingyang, a senior student from Wuhan Institute of Technology, who organized a blood donation event last November, which became a trending topic on Weibo.” Xiong Yuhao said that he counts himself as very lucky to be able to be acquainted with him through the Blood Center. He said that although they havent met in person yet, they often talk via WeChat, and that Lvs positive personality has inspired him. “I hope that in the future, I can become just as outstanding as he is and contribute more to the cause for voluntary blood donation.”


Recollecting their precious memories of blood donation, the family felt very emotional. “We are just an ordinary family and doing our bit for the society. It is such a blessing to be needed and recognized by the society. If everyone gives a little love, the world will become a better place.” Xiong Fei said, adding that as long as their health condition allows, the family will continue to donate blood and pass on the love.


關鍵詞: 獻血 血液 blood Xiong Fei



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