At the beginning of the year, Shake Labor Company handed over 120,000 yuan of income to the village collective at the “Miao Nian”event held in Shake Village, Malichang Town, Huayuan County.
As a demonstration village of rural revitalization, Shake Village has formed a new model of integrated development of planting, agricultural products processing, sales and rural tourism.
Huayuan County is the county where the Shibadong Village, the birthplace of "targeted poverty alleviation", is located. The county has divided 228 villages (communities) into model villages for rural revitalization, key villages for rural revitalization and other villages, and each village will promote rural revitalization in an orderly manner according to the actual situation.
In 2022, the collective economic operating income of all villages in Huayuan County exceeded 100,000 yuan, of which 15 villages exceeded 1 million yuan, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents in the county was 31,426 yuan and 12,843 yuan respectively, representing a year-on-year increase of 6% and 7%.
Chinese source: Hunan Daily
Translated by Rednet International Communication Center
關鍵詞: birthplace
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